Adventures in Autism - Kayaking for Everyone

Adventures in Autism; 4wk Kayak Program

Specifics about this course:

Unlike previous "kayak pool parties" for kids with Autism, this will be a formal, structured clinic.

This clinic is open to anyone with ASD, age 12 and up, and their friends, family members or caregivers

Class will consist of 8 students with ASD, up to 8 non-ASD peer students, friends, family members or caregivers, 2 kayak instructors and ~8 volunteer assistants.

Dates for the clinic are below; each on Saturday afternoon.

  • Week 1:  March 24th, 4:30 - 6pm @ Los Altos Pool
  • Week 2:  April 7th, 4:30 - 6pm @ Los Altos Pool
  • Week 3:  April 21st, 4:30 - 6pm @ Los Altos Pool
  • Week 4:  May 5th, 4:30 - 6pm @ Los Altos Pool

Other important dates:

I have taken the Intro, Roll, and the Whitewater Weekend courses. They've all been informative, supportive, and fun. It has been a progressive learning process and I do like your emphaisis on offensive paddling rather than defensive paddling.  The Intro to Kayak (Level 1) class is a perfect foundation.  I am probably going to retake the Intro class because there was a lot in there that I just could not absorb at one time; WAY beyond an 'intro' class!
Marty Teugel  -  Fish & Wildlife Service

I wanted to say thank you for the entire Pilar trip. It was a small class and you could have rescheduled but you didn't. I really learned a lot! Because of that weekend, I'm excited about the sport. I've been talking to my wife and friends about it nonstop! I'm trying to get others to sign up for your class. You do a really good job! Thanks again!

Dan McCarraher  -  Real estate agent

New Mexico Kayak Instruction, a service provider at Camp Rising Sun, is pleased to offer another "Kayaking Pool Party" for all persons living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  

Kayaking is the perfect low-impact recreational, physical and social activity the whole family can enjoy togehter.  Come and observe....or come and join in on the fun!

Benefits include:

  • Builds Courage, Confidence and Character

Adventures in Autism - Kayaking for Everyone

I would wholeheartedly recommend this course. I would also recommend they have several adults in the water, and several "shore-side" as there seemed to be more things to do that I would have expected. Not only for the girls' confidence, but helping turn around the kayaks, getting the girls in and out, etc. 
Kathleen Tighe-Smith  -  Troop #10228, Brownies, Albuquerque, NM
It's not about's about overcoming fears, building courage and self confidence!
Kristen Thome  -  Troop #1623, Juniors, Albuquerque, NM
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