April Meeting - Overview of the Bosque Education Guide

Straight Up Pizza
6501 Wyoming Blvd NE Bldg B
Albuquerque, NM, 87109
See map: Google Maps
Straight Up Pizza is near the main entrance of the Albuquerque Academy, in the NW corner of Burlison and Wyoming. Call the restaurant at (505) 796-9343 for directions.
Start Time: 
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Have you ever wondered what the Middle Rio Grande valley was like 500 years ago?  How has it changed in the last 50 or 100 years?  Can you identify the birds and wildlife as you paddle down the river?  Who owns the water, where did it come from and where exactly does it go when it leaves Albuquerque? 

Tish Morris, co-editor of the 699pg Bosque Education Guide will provide a brief glimpse into the vast history and ecosystems that make up the Middle Rio Grande.  Topics include, the geology of the valley, surface and groundwater, the demands on the river's water budget, natural history information and human influence, to name a few.

If your birthday is in April (or any other month), come celebrate with us at our Monthly Albuquerque / Santa Fe Kayak meetup 'Pizza Party.'

$0.00 Before Tax
I believe it is important for girls of this age to work together and have fun.  This course exceeded my expectations in both teamwork and fun! 
Margaret Baca  -  Troop #171, Juniors, Santa Fe, NM

I want you to know how much I benefitted from your white water and roll classes.  Kelly your presentations Saturday and Sunday were always clear and packed with vital information.  The way you sketch out the hazzards and river features makes them surprisingly easy to remember on the river.  On the river you worked hard with each of us and I thought we class members got far more feedback and individual attention than in other kayak classes I have taken.  Glenn and Michael also seemed genuinely interested in our progress and were always willing to answer my questions and provide good feedback.  All in all the class was both challenging and a lot of fun and I feel it greatly accelerated my development as a white water kayaker.

Reed Mencke  -  Retired


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