Girl Scouts - Paddle, Pole & Roll, CSA Interest Project

Genoveva Chavez Community Center
3221 Rodeo Road
Santa Fe, NM, 87507
See map: Google Maps
Start Time: 
Sunday, December 13, 2009 - 1:30pm - 5:30pm

The Introduction to Kayaking for Kids (13 - 16) class is the same content that we teach our adults in the Level 1 Introduction to Kayaking class, but at a reduced rate.  The course is broken into thirds: 1/3 on rescues, 1/3 on concepts & continuity of motion and 1/3 on stroke mechanics.  As the course progresses, we expect that kids will demonstrate the correct stroke mechanics in the pool, can perform smooth and controlled wet-exits, simple rescues, assist with rescues that are within their physical abilities, and have a solid foundation of basic strokes needed to make their boat glide across the water with each stroke.  It is this refinement of strokes that makes whitewater, recreational or touring easy.

This program is designed for kids age 13 - 16 years old.

As instructors, our goal is to over-prepared kids for situations which have greater risk, such as the Rio Grande Bosque or Cochiti.  Therefore, we recommend a minimum of 8hrs of pool time before we take kids outdoors.  The repeated exposure allows kids to develop their skills, refine boat control, overcome fears of flipping, swimming to shore in cold water, or re-enter their boat from deep water.  While going outdoors is the ultimate goal, we can form good habits by making "hard moves on easy water" where there is less risk.  We also look for comprehension of important safety information from one class to the next; can they follow directions, without question or delay, choose and properly adjust their own PFD, and orient the paddle correctly; if they're constatnly holding the paddle backwards and upside down, we know that more time is needed before using a spray skirt or paddling on the Rio Grande. 



"Kelly is someone who knows the sport of kayaking and is able to teach in a safe, effective and fun way.  Not only did the girls have a total blast, but they learned the names for all parts of their kayak and equipment, how to safely enter and exit a kayak, how to help someone else who may be in trouble, what to do in inclement weather and how to best move through the water (to name a few).  We had our last Girl Scout meeting of the year last week and when I asked the girls what their favorite experience was over the last 3 years, 75% chose kayaking.  I would highly recommend Kelly to anyone and would be happy to answer any questions you may have."
Cris Todd, Troop #1521

"Troop 1546 attended both Small Craft and Paddle, Pole & Roll training with Kelly. Several girls were quire scared of the "wet exit" in which they had to tip their kayaks over in the water.  As adult chaperones, we just hadn't realized all the training necessary to whitewater kayak in the Rio Grande.  But, Kelly worked our girls through this process nicely.  Later in our training process, one parent expressed fears that the girls might not be prepared to kayak the Rio Grande.  We hadn't expected the level of fear and disbeliefs in our troop about our Rio Grande river!  So, in fact, we had a lot of fear obstacles to overcome in our troop!  By the time we set out on the water, we were more than prepared to face the potential snares or pitfalls that kayakers could face.  Kelly trained our girls and our adults more than adequately.  Throughout the trip, we were being trained about what to do, what to watch for, and how to effectively maneuver our crafts.  It was impressive that Kelly and his crew set out the day before our trip just to survey the Rio Grande and prepare to go down it again with our troop.  The girls were totally prepared and excited during the trip.  It was a beautiful and relaxing day and all who attended had a marvelous time.  Troop 1546 is ready to go again!"
Amy O'Brien, Troop #1546


$50.00 Before Tax
My girl approached the class as 'something my dad signed me up for and I don’t want to go', but she had a blast and wants to do it again.
Robert Miller  -  Dad of a Girl Scout

You guys rock!!!  I couldn't wait another minute to tell you how much fun the girls had last night!  What a great lesson!  We didn't even need the games because they enjoyed what they were doing so much.  One of the coolest things was seeing girls who were a little bit timid, feel comfortable enough to try things that they normally wouldn't have tried.  What a great time!  Well done all!

Cris Todd  -  Girl Scout Troop #1521


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