Girl Scouts - Small Craft, Junior Badge

Genoveva Chavez Community Center
3221 Rodeo Road
Santa Fe, NM, 87507
See map: Google Maps
Start Time: 
Sunday, December 13, 2009 - 9:00am - 11:30am

This 2.5 hour clinic begins where Paddle Safety class leaves off.  We still play fun games to build confidence, balance and coordination, but we have higher expectations that older children will perform the basic strokes more accurately, stay focused longer, and with greater mental and physical stamina.  We spend more time working on the fundamental strokes and rescues we expect from our adult classes, but balanced with an even mix of fun and games, and in simplified steps that are easy to learn.  Our goal with this class is to prepare kids with the basic skills for flatwater, however, it may be necessary to repeat the class a time or two to develop the skills for moving water, which is less forgiving.

In this age group often associate kayaking with "driving" their own car because of the freedom, mobility, empowerment and independence they get from the kayak on the water.

This program is designed for kids age 10 - 12 years old.

As instructors, our goal is to over-prepared kids for situations which have greater risk, such as the Rio Grande Bosque or Cochiti.  Therefore, we recommend a minimum of 8hrs of pool time before we take kids outdoors.  The repeated exposure allows kids to develop their skills, refine boat control, overcome fears of flipping, swimming to shore in cold water, or re-enter their boat from deep water.  While going outdoors is the ultimate goal, we can form good habits by making "hard moves on easy water" where there is less risk.  We also look for comprehension of important safety information from one class to the next; can they follow directions without question or delay, choose and properly adjust their own PFD, and orient the paddle correctly; if they're constatnly holding the paddle backwards and upside down, we know that more time is needed before using a spray skirt or paddling on the Rio Grande. 



"You guys rock!!!!  I couldn't wait another minute to tell you how much fun the girls had last night!  What a great lesson!  We didn't even need the games because they enjoyed what they were doing so much.  One of the coolest things was seeing girls who were a bit timid, feel comfortable enough to try things that they normally wouldn't have tried.  What a great time!  Well done all!"
Cris Todd, Troop #1521

"Kelly led my Girl Scout troop through an introductory kayaking workshop [Small Craft badge] and the girls are begging for more, as are the parents who participated.  Kelly's approach was customized to the comfort level of each girl, so they each felt comfortable and excited to be in the kayaks.  They learned a lot, and more importantly, are really looking forward to more kayaking."
Michelle Bloodworth, PhD, Troop #7070

$35.00 Before Tax
My girls were Brownies. From a leader perspective, I wanted to see something fun, and that would build confidence. This was one of our first real "outings" as a Girl Scout. I was looking for something "different", something with a sense of adventure/out of the ordinary (something they don't do everyday) but controlled and safe. I also wanted something a bit challenging - physically, but also something they hadn't done before, something that would build confidence. This really fit the bill perfectly. They didn't' want to get out of the pool!
Kathleen Tighe-Smith  -  Troop #10228, Brownies, Albuquerque, NM

You guys rock!!!  I couldn't wait another minute to tell you how much fun the girls had last night!  What a great lesson!  We didn't even need the games because they enjoyed what they were doing so much.  One of the coolest things was seeing girls who were a little bit timid, feel comfortable enough to try things that they normally wouldn't have tried.  What a great time!  Well done all!

Cris Todd  -  Girl Scout Troop #1521


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