Nigel Foster's Sea Kayaking DVD Series 5 - 6

REI - Albuquerque
1550 Mercantile Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM, 87107
See map: Google Maps
Start Time: 
Thursday, July 8, 2010 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Volume 5 - Forward Paddling: Keep up with your paddling friends with the minimum of effort.  Learn good blade placement, efficient application of power and how to keep a straight course without wasting precious energy.  What causes blade flutter and why do kayaks weather-cock?  What part do your feet, legs and torso play in your forward stroke, and how can you modify your stroke to take advantage of a following sea?  Learn the answers and much more from someone who has fine-tuned the forward stroke through thousands of miles of expedition paddling. This episode also includes special bonus section on Greenland paddling with Greenland expert Greg Stamer.

Volume 6 - Rolling and Bracing: If you have a reliable roll and brace, your confidence level in a kayak will rise to new levels.  Nigel Foster looks at some non-intimidating ways to learn a roll, examines the essential components of different braces and a variety of practical everyday rolling techniques.

$0.00 Before Tax

I learned the "basics" that I "thought" I knew - after kayaking for 10 years, I realized I should have taken this course years ago…in addition to the "basics" I was amazed at the techniques I learned regarding paddling, strokes, maneuvers, rescues, navigation and expedition planning!

Betty Beaudry
Even though I only took the Intro to Kayak class at the pool prior to the Coastal Kayaking on Inlandwaters 'Kayak Touring' course, I was confident in performing the wet exit in open waters…the rescue exercises were by far the biggest asset of the class.
Betty Beaudry


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