Open Boating

Start Time: 
Repeats every week until Wed Jan 28 2009 except Wed Dec 24 2008, Wed Dec 31 2008.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Wednesday, January 7, 2009 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Open boating is a time to practice your roll, refine your paddling technique, meet other kayakers, or simply learn more about kayaking.

Formal kayak lessons are not offered at this time. However, if you just want to try it out kayaking for the first time, basic instruction will be offered to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience.


$4.00 Before Tax

Pool rental - $8; This fee applies to everyone who paddles.

Boat & Gear - $5; This fee applies only if you request a boat and gear.  Please note your height & weight in your RSVP, so I know what size boat to bring.

Kayak Demo - $15; This fee applies if you request a specific boat.  Please note the boat you want to demo in your RSVP.

Private Lessons - $75; 2-hr Private "Intro to Kayak" or "Kayak Roll" Lessons are available with advanced notice.  Pool and gear rental fees are waived for private lessons. Private lessons may include up to 2 individuals covering the same content.

Why RSVPs are so important....
The pools are expensive to rent, and this time New Mexico Kayak Instruction covers the pool rental as a community service to local paddlers. RSVPs are needed to ensure we have a minimum number of people to cover the pool rental fees, and to limit enrollment so that the pool does not become over-crowded. Also, by RSVP'ing, we are able to communicate via email about last-minute changes, which often include cancellation due to lightening, or other pool closures.

  • If you RSVP for yourself and/or a guest (ie - you reserve a spot), and no-show, you will receive a Pay-Pal request for the pool rental fee ($8); this balance must be paid in full before your RSVP will be accepted for the next pool party
  • If you request a boat and/or any gear, and cancel after the gear has been loaded (typically 3hrs in advance), you will receive a Pay-Pal request for the gear ($5); this balance must be paid in full before your RSVP will be accepted for the next pool party
  • If you show up and have not RSVP'd, (ie -you have not reserved a spot), you may be asked to return another time if the maximum number of paddlers has been reached (typically 30) at Los Altos Pool. If there is additional space, or someone has no-showed, you'll be admitted after 8:15.

Please RSVP, and keep it current.

Thanks for the info and the good class.  Even though I've owned recreational kayaks for many years, I learned far more than I ever knew before.
Tom Pherson

I like the emphasis on kayaking as a positive experience.  After taking the classes, you realize that you can have a very fun time, even before mastering the roll.  Other classes I've taken make the roll seem like a necessity, and learning to roll (or not), becomes the focus, which eclipses the fun of kayaking.

Betsy Glenn


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