
2009 Native Ultimate 12

Native Watercraft
Ultimate 12
Year model: 
Albuquerque, NM, 87109
Very good - Below normal use.
12' 1"
Hull Design: 
Tunnel Hull
The tunnel hull of the Ultimate Series provides an extremely stable platform for beginner kayakers and those interested in fishing from a kayak. The tunnel hull has a lower center of gravity, making it easier to stand up in the boat, and sight-fish from your kayak. Ample storage allows for tackle boxes, coolers, live bait wells, additional rod holders and overnight gear.

The Kayak Roll, Part 1 of 2

REI - Santa Fe
500 Market Street
Santa Fe, NM, 87501
United States
See map: Google Maps

Kelly is friendly and professional and seems to know what he is talking about and an absolutely wonderful teacher.  Kelly is very professional, sincere and a dedicated teacher.  He worked very hard to teach me, and I was able to roll within 20 minutes of his instruction. Rest of the evening was one roll after another.  I hope he can continue to hold more similar clinics on other advanced techniques.  Thank you Kelly. Amit.

Amit Goswami  -  M.D. VA Hospital

I took a roll class from Kelly. I have had some previous instruction in rolling and in boat handling techniques, but I learned more from Kelly in three hours in the pool than I did in a two day course from another instructor. I am very close to being able to roll after only one class. I'm sure with another class I'll be able to roll quite well. Kelly has a unique capability to explain how to roll, and has the patience to work with people who are having difficulty learning. He is a great teacher!

Doug Chinn

Introduction to Kayak, Part 2 of 2

Rio Grande High School
2312 Arenal Road SW
Albuquerque, NM, 87105
United States
See map: Google Maps

Kelly is fun and enthousiastic about kayaking. If you're interested in learning to kayak, this is the place to be!

Linda Scott  -  New Mexico Adventure Racing Club
I had a blast at your intro to kayak class!  I've been kayaking for several years and wished i had taken this class years ago!  I learned many new techniques that i did not even know existed!  I have always been hesitant about white water kayaking but with the tools and techniques i learned from your class, I have decided to join more classes and brave the white water class in a few weeks.Thanks for your support and I look forward to taking more classes with you!
Betty Beaudry  -  Experienced kayaker

Introduction to Kayak, Part 2 of 2

Los Altos Pool
10100 Lomas Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM, 87112
United States
See map: Google Maps
Kelly is a great instructor. If you live in the Albuquerque area and want to learn kayaking, attend one of Kelly's classes.
Mark Nissan
I was a self-taught kayaker who constantly got caught in situations that were either dangerous or beyond my skill.  In fact, I almost gave up the sport multiple times before I met Kelly.  After taking his courses, I found that I was in much better control on the river and began to enjoy it more.  I never realized how much technique went into boat control and reading the river.  Kayaking changed for me from a sport that constantly terrified me, to a sport where I felt exhilarated and challenged, but still in control.  Kelly’s classes focus on reading the river, developing paddling skills, safety, and responsible fun.  The best part of taking his courses is meeting new people to paddle with.  I am now surrounded by like-mined paddlers whom I can trust on the river, for I know they received the same training.  Kelly’s classes turned me into a life-long kayaker.
Glenn Wellman  -  High School History teacher, APS

Introduction to Kayak, Part 1 of 2

REI, Albuquerque
Albuquerque, NM, 87107
United States
See map: Google Maps

I love this meetup group.  Kelly has done a great job of building a foundation or respect, camaraderie, and skills so that everyone has fun.  Thanks Kelly for all you do!

Liza Kerr
My history with water has been very negative.  When I was a kid, I almost drowned.  Since then, I've found myself avoiding situations where I felt vulnerable to dangerous waters.  Since my courses with Kelly, I have gained both confidence and necessary knowledge that allows me to finally enjoy the water again.  Never would I have thought I would be going down class III whitewater rapids on a boogie board.  Thank you Kelly.  You have peaked my interest in taking more whitewater courses.
Nina Perea

Introduction to Kayaking, Part 2 of 2

Los Altos Pool
10100 Lomas Boulevard NE
Albuquerque, NM, 87123
United States
See map: Google Maps
This is without a doubt the best outdoor class I have ever taken. Kelly and his team are totally skilled as teachers. I plan to sign up for every class I can with this team. My enjoyment and skill level immediately improved after one day. I didn't realize I was using body memory from paddling a canoe many years ago that were not good practice with a kayak. Take these classes! They're a great return on investment and a whole lot of fun besides!--Kate O'Neill, 54yo teacher
Kate O'Neil  -  Teacher / UNM Taos
Really fantastic lesson. Thank you so much for the incredible instruction. Ellen and Bart were wonderful instructors! I'm so excited to get out on the water with my own kayak and put my new skills to the test. Even, *gasp* rolling over! Best, Wren
Wren Chambers

Introduction to Kayaking, Part 2 of 2

Los Altos Pool
10100 Lomas Boulevard NE
Albuquerque, NM, 87123
United States
See map: Google Maps
It is amazing to do something so challenging. I feel like I have accomplished something that I never thought possible.
Dena Hunt
Really fantastic lesson. Thank you so much for the incredible instruction. Ellen and Bart were wonderful instructors! I'm so excited to get out on the water with my own kayak and put my new skills to the test. Even, *gasp* rolling over! Best, Wren
Wren Chambers

Open Boating

I want you to know how much I benefitted from your white water and roll classes.  Kelly your presentations Saturday and Sunday were always clear and packed with vital information.  The way you sketch out the hazzards and river features makes them surprisingly easy to remember on the river.  On the river you worked hard with each of us and I thought we class members got far more feedback and individual attention than in other kayak classes I have taken.  Glenn and Michael also seemed genuinely interested in our progress and were always willing to answer my questions and provide good feedback.  All in all the class was both challenging and a lot of fun and I feel it greatly accelerated my development as a white water kayaker.

Reed Mencke  -  Retired
What an awesome class! Everything clicked into place in my head and my strokes are so much better!
Jane Bales  -  Volunteer

Open Boating

The roll class with Glenn and Michael was awesome.  The roll has been frustrating to me.  Thanks to the instruction the other night I think I have my roll about 95 percent mastered and I know exactly what I need to work on to get the other 5 percent.  I've taken other roll classes but this one was the best. After these classes I feel very clear about what I need to work on.  I can't wait to get back on the water ASAP to work on my roll and forward stroke.

Reed Mencke  -  Retired

I love this meetup group.  Kelly has done a great job of building a foundation or respect, camaraderie, and skills so that everyone has fun.  Thanks Kelly for all you do!

Liza Kerr

Used Kayaks

NMKI maintains a growing list of used kayaks throughout New Mexico. Here you'll find whitewater, recreational, and touring kayaks from across the state. NMKI does not charge a commission, or sell on consignment. Instead, we help match buyers with sellers.
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