Kayaking with Santa Fe Singles

Genoveva Chavez Community Center
3221 Rodeo Road
Santa Fe, NM, 87507
See map: Google Maps
Start Time: 
Thursday, June 3, 2010 - 5:30pm - 8:30pm

On June 3rd, Kelly Gossett of New Mexico Kayak Instruction (founder of the Santa Fe Kayak meetup) will teach a 3hr Intro to Kayak lesson for Santa Fe Singles at the Chavez Center's indoor pool. We'll learn the basic strokes that will allow us to safely paddle lakes and easy rivers later on as a group. Kelly will also show us simple 2-person rescues and other team-building skills that are great with a partner, so bring a date, or find one at the event.

An afternoon kayaking is the perfect first date for any adventurous soul.  You can easily pack lunch and a bottle of wine or champagne into your kayak, and paddle across the lake to a remote campsite or secluded beach and enjoy a picnic that you couldn't have reached by road or trail.  A gentle paddle through the Rio Grande Bosque with lunch or dinner at the riverside Coronado Grill is a unique experience neither of you will soon forget. Or, plan an overnight trip to the seemingly remote areas of Abiquiu, Santa Cruz or Navajo Lake with the confidence and security that you'll both have a wonderful time without mishaps, and look forward to the next kayaking adventure together.

A $25 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot. Deposits are non-refundable, but can be transferred if you find someone to take your spot. Class size is limited to 10 people, so contact Kelly as soon as you register. Your spot is not reserved until Kelly has received your deposit. Cash, check or credit card is accepted.

Be sure to check out www.NewMexicoKayakInstruction.com for the June 5-6th 2-day Whitewater Weekend Adventure at the Orilla Verde State Park.

Date: June, 3, 2010
Time: 5:30 - 8:30 (try to arrive 15 minutes early to change clothes, assign boat, etc. We'll enter the water at 5:30!)
Location: Chavez Center
Price: $75  (a $25 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot. The balance, $50, will be due at the start of class)
Contact: Kelly Gossett, 505-217-2187, or kelly@newmexicokayakinstruction.com
Class size: 10
Maybe RSVPs: No!

$75.00 Before Tax
A $25 non-refundable deposit is needed to reserve your spot in class. Classes are booked on a first-paid, first-reserved basis, so send in your deposit today!
I have to say, Kelly covered EVERYTHING!  I've taken this weekend class twice to absorb everything that goes into whitewater kayaking.  Since my class, I've paddled on class III whitewater and felt like I had a great sense of what [maneuvers, compound strokes or techniques] to do, when to do it, how to do it, and why to do it!   What Kelly teaches would be pretty much impossible for a self-taught paddler to figure out alone.  I feel safer, and more confident each time I'm on the river with a foundation of strokes and concepts to practice outside of class, and most importantly, I feel in control on the water.
Bob Pennington  -  home-builder
Kayaking is a really great experience. It not only introduces the girls to a new skill but shows them they can accomplish something they probably thought they would never be capable of.
Kristen Thome  -  Troop #1623, Juniors, Albuquerque, NM


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