Santa Fe Singles

Kayaking with Santa Fe Singles

On June 3rd, Kelly Gossett of New Mexico Kayak Instruction (founder of the Santa Fe Kayak meetup) will teach a 3hr Intro to Kayak lesson for Santa Fe Singles at the Chavez Center's indoor pool. We'll learn the basic strokes that will allow us to safely paddle lakes and easy rivers later on as a group. Kelly will also show us simple 2-person rescues and other team-building skills that are great with a partner, so bring a date, or find one at the event.

I have to say, Kelly covered EVERYTHING!  I've taken this weekend class twice to absorb everything that goes into whitewater kayaking.  Since my class, I've paddled on class III whitewater and felt like I had a great sense of what [maneuvers, compound strokes or techniques] to do, when to do it, how to do it, and why to do it!   What Kelly teaches would be pretty much impossible for a self-taught paddler to figure out alone.  I feel safer, and more confident each time I'm on the river with a foundation of strokes and concepts to practice outside of class, and most importantly, I feel in control on the water.
Bob Pennington  -  home-builder
I have taken the Intro, Roll, and the Whitewater Weekend courses. They've all been informative, supportive, and fun. It has been a progressive learning process and I do like your emphaisis on offensive paddling rather than defensive paddling.  The Intro to Kayak (Level 1) class is a perfect foundation.  I am probably going to retake the Intro class because there was a lot in there that I just could not absorb at one time; WAY beyond an 'intro' class!
Marty Teugel  -  Fish & Wildlife Service
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