
(Level 3) Whitewater Kayaking Made Easy

I want you to know how much I benefitted from your white water and roll classes.  Kelly your presentations Saturday and Sunday were always clear and packed with vital information.  The way you sketch out the hazzards and river features makes them surprisingly easy to remember on the river.  On the river you worked hard with each of us and I thought we class members got far more feedback and individual attention than in other kayak classes I have taken.  Glenn and Michael also seemed genuinely interested in our progress and were always willing to answer my questions and provide good feedback.  All in all the class was both challenging and a lot of fun and I feel it greatly accelerated my development as a white water kayaker.

Reed Mencke  -  Retired
I have to say, Kelly covered EVERYTHING!  I've taken this weekend class twice to absorb everything that goes into whitewater kayaking.  Since my class, I've paddled on class III whitewater and felt like I had a great sense of what [maneuvers, compound strokes or techniques] to do, when to do it, how to do it, and why to do it!   What Kelly teaches would be pretty much impossible for a self-taught paddler to figure out alone.  I feel safer, and more confident each time I'm on the river with a foundation of strokes and concepts to practice outside of class, and most importantly, I feel in control on the water.
Bob Pennington  -  home-builder

Level 3 Whitewater for Advanced Beginners

Expanding on the teaching principals of the Introduction to Whitewater Class, Whitewater 102, is a 2 day immersion class held on the Rio Grande River, "Race Course" section.Whitewater 102 covers the following topics: Paddling Strokes for Success, Reading the River, On Shore Scouting, and Common Sense Rescue for the New Boater.At the conclusion of the class the student will have gained a the confidence and skills required to be an asset to the paddling community.A kayak roll is not necessary for the class but is strongly recommended.Price: $265.00 Before TaxPayment:Payment in full is due within 24 hours of registration. No spot is reserved until full payment is received.
Wow, Kelly sure can cram a lot of information into two hours.  He answered every question I had and more. Thanks for a very informative two hours!
Nancy Bowers
This was my second time in this class in a months' time. Although I enjoyed the first class, I felt like all the pieces began to fall in to place the second time around. I felt my skills improved exponentially. The instructors were very skilled and helpful in zeroing in on specific needs of those in the class, and were there to roll you (back up) when necessary. Loved it.
Chip Berglund  -  Semi-retired

Intro to Whitewater, Weekend Adventure


I love this meetup group.  Kelly has done a great job of building a foundation or respect, camaraderie, and skills so that everyone has fun.  Thanks Kelly for all you do!

Liza Kerr

My learning curve has been exponential. I never imagined I would learn this much, so fast!

Chuck Washington  -  Resident MD, UNMH

Intro to Whitewater, 2-day weekend clinic

I like the emphasis on kayaking as a positive experience.  After taking the classes, you realize that you can have a very fun time, even before mastering the roll.  Other classes I've taken make the roll seem like a necessity, and learning to roll (or not), becomes the focus, which eclipses the fun of kayaking.

Betsy Glenn

I love this meetup group.  Kelly has done a great job of building a foundation or respect, camaraderie, and skills so that everyone has fun.  Thanks Kelly for all you do!

Liza Kerr
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