
Level 3 Whitewater for Advanced Beginners

Expanding on the teaching principals of the Introduction to Whitewater Class, Whitewater 102, is a 2 day immersion class held on the Rio Grande River, "Race Course" section.Whitewater 102 covers the following topics: Paddling Strokes for Success, Reading the River, On Shore Scouting, and Common Sense Rescue for the New Boater.At the conclusion of the class the student will have gained a the confidence and skills required to be an asset to the paddling community.A kayak roll is not necessary for the class but is strongly recommended.Price: $265.00 Before TaxPayment:Payment in full is due within 24 hours of registration. No spot is reserved until full payment is received.
Excellent, well-organized class and instruction. The individualed attention on the Rio Grande trip really helped me put newfound skills into practice. I also learned many skills best taught in open river conditions.  It's really a pleasure to experience top-notch teaching.  --Kate O'Neill, 54yo teacher
Kate O'Neil  -  Teacher / UNM Taos

I like the emphasis on kayaking as a positive experience.  After taking the classes, you realize that you can have a very fun time, even before mastering the roll.  Other classes I've taken make the roll seem like a necessity, and learning to roll (or not), becomes the focus, which eclipses the fun of kayaking.

Betsy Glenn

Whitewater Progression Course Session Two

Course Dates:
  • September 6 - Level 1 Introduction to Kayaking
  • September 7 - Skills Clinic
  • September 10 - Level 2 Essentials of River Kayaking
  • September 13 - Level 2 Kayak Roll
  • September 14 - Skills Clininc
  • September 17 - 18 - Level 3 Whitewater Kayaking Made Easy
Kelly is a terrific instructor!  He's extremely patient, manages to maintain a sense of humor, is very safety-conscious (a good thing on the river!), and has some unique tricks to help his students, be it learning to roll or learning to read a river.  He explains things clearly and simply.  He also seems to have the ability to get inside the heads of his students to help them get to where they need to be.
Deborah DeMack  -  Attorney

I want you to know how much I benefitted from your white water and roll classes.  Kelly your presentations Saturday and Sunday were always clear and packed with vital information.  The way you sketch out the hazzards and river features makes them surprisingly easy to remember on the river.  On the river you worked hard with each of us and I thought we class members got far more feedback and individual attention than in other kayak classes I have taken.  Glenn and Michael also seemed genuinely interested in our progress and were always willing to answer my questions and provide good feedback.  All in all the class was both challenging and a lot of fun and I feel it greatly accelerated my development as a white water kayaker.

Reed Mencke  -  Retired

Whitewater Progression Course Session One August

Addition dates, August 9, 2016, August 10, 2016, August 13, 2016, August16, 20016

I have to say, Kelly covered EVERYTHING!  I've taken this weekend class twice to absorb everything that goes into whitewater kayaking.  Since my class, I've paddled on class III whitewater and felt like I had a great sense of what [maneuvers, compound strokes or techniques] to do, when to do it, how to do it, and why to do it!   What Kelly teaches would be pretty much impossible for a self-taught paddler to figure out alone.  I feel safer, and more confident each time I'm on the river with a foundation of strokes and concepts to practice outside of class, and most importantly, I feel in control on the water.
Bob Pennington  -  home-builder

I am impressed with organization and professionalism of Kelly's operation.  The teaching methods are good and are reassuring to the extent they convey that the ability to kayak is within the reach for just about anybody (including not-so-young people like me!)

Betsy Glenn

Intro to Whitewater, 2-day whitewater weekend

I was a self-taught kayaker who constantly got caught in situations that were either dangerous or beyond my skill.  In fact, I almost gave up the sport multiple times before I met Kelly.  After taking his courses, I found that I was in much better control on the river and began to enjoy it more.  I never realized how much technique went into boat control and reading the river.  Kayaking changed for me from a sport that constantly terrified me, to a sport where I felt exhilarated and challenged, but still in control.  Kelly’s classes focus on reading the river, developing paddling skills, safety, and responsible fun.  The best part of taking his courses is meeting new people to paddle with.  I am now surrounded by like-mined paddlers whom I can trust on the river, for I know they received the same training.  Kelly’s classes turned me into a life-long kayaker.
Glenn Wellman  -  High School History teacher, APS
I have taken the Intro, Roll, and the Whitewater Weekend courses. They've all been informative, supportive, and fun. It has been a progressive learning process and I do like your emphaisis on offensive paddling rather than defensive paddling.  The Intro to Kayak (Level 1) class is a perfect foundation.  I am probably going to retake the Intro class because there was a lot in there that I just could not absorb at one time; WAY beyond an 'intro' class!
Marty Teugel  -  Fish & Wildlife Service

The Kayak Roll, Part 1 of 2

Los Altos Pool
10100 Lomas Boulevard NE
Albuquerque, NM, 87123
United States
See map: Google Maps
I was a self-taught kayaker who constantly got caught in situations that were either dangerous or beyond my skill.  In fact, I almost gave up the sport multiple times before I met Kelly.  After taking his courses, I found that I was in much better control on the river and began to enjoy it more.  I never realized how much technique went into boat control and reading the river.  Kayaking changed for me from a sport that constantly terrified me, to a sport where I felt exhilarated and challenged, but still in control.  Kelly’s classes focus on reading the river, developing paddling skills, safety, and responsible fun.  The best part of taking his courses is meeting new people to paddle with.  I am now surrounded by like-mined paddlers whom I can trust on the river, for I know they received the same training.  Kelly’s classes turned me into a life-long kayaker.
Glenn Wellman  -  High School History teacher, APS
I have taken the Intro, Roll, and the Whitewater Weekend courses. They've all been informative, supportive, and fun. It has been a progressive learning process and I do like your emphaisis on offensive paddling rather than defensive paddling.  The Intro to Kayak (Level 1) class is a perfect foundation.  I am probably going to retake the Intro class because there was a lot in there that I just could not absorb at one time; WAY beyond an 'intro' class!
Marty Teugel  -  Fish & Wildlife Service
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