Addition dates, August 9, 2016, August 10, 2016, August 13, 2016, August16, 20016
Fantastic! The instruction was top notch. The instructors' attention
to detail and focus on safety were superb. The classroom environment
was interesting, the class time on the water was a blast, and the
attendees had a great time together during and after class around the
camp fire. I highly recommend this
course to anyone interested in
kayaking in New Mexico.
Justin Tade
Attorney, avid skier, surfer, pilot, adventure junkie
This was my
second time in this
class in a months' time. Although I
enjoyed the first class, I felt like all the pieces began to fall in to
place the second time around. I felt my skills improved exponentially.
The instructors were very skilled and helpful in zeroing in on specific
needs of those in the class, and were there to roll you (back up) when
necessary. Loved it.
Chip Berglund